In common search of a modern
circle culture for humanity
Our independent initiative aims to offer the most reliable container possible for the growth of a “communitas” for humankind which is deeply rooted in a new trust.
Starting with a “Circle Of 12” we created an explorational space to gain insights about the key elements which contribute to an up-to-date form of tribal structures that by their nature install the deep sense of trust we are longing for.
In our prototyping experiments we are driven by an honest commitment to a modern tribal structure which provides the right amount of safety and flexibility to support trust and human growth.
Integrity For Future is many things at the same time.
Is it a research project? Yes.
Is it a community? Yes.
Is it a place to heal the broken trust? Yes.
Our approach is a phenomenological one. The project itself is a process and develops with the organic growth of the initiative. Based on the leading question who we would like to be as humanity it is a mutual exploration amongst us. We invite you to join the explorative journey.
Below you find snippets of the insights we gain, published step by step as they come into our awareness.

Come back
of the Soul
The structure that we see arising
What we learned from our journey so far is that feminine qualities such as receptivity, openness, holding and letting beings and things unfold in their natural paste, acknowledging the organic intelligence in all what is, are becoming stronger – finding their way back from suppression into the center.
Also on the structural level the process orientation, seen in the circle structure and sharings in rounds of equals, is having a come back. The structure how it appeared organically is one of a Circle Of 12, even in the number of women and men, in this special case of the #integrityforfuture initiative, initiated and lead by a woman.
We started our initial explorational with a constellation work. There we could see a split between (people in) power and wisdom (people) – and the hidden agreement of all stakeholders laying underneath, which still want’s to be seen in an even deeper way.
This lead us into the realm of man/woman and into the energies of the masculine and the feminine. We saw a shocking imbalance structurally, mentally and even on a cellular level normalized and internalized to a degree that it was almost impossible to become aware of it.
What we saw was confusion and an almost overwhelming field of suppression and shame.
The sacred feminine and the sacred masculine are deeply wounded by the hidden agreement to split power and the wisdom of life. It actually lead to a separation of the soul itself. Therefore it seems to be time to call “soul” back into our earthly lives and we are eager to find out how that delicate venture can be initiated and processed in the most heedfully way. Integrity might hold a key for us.

the come back of an ancient future tribe
Key elements
Source, Shelter & Space
The base of our exploration is a rather yin-oriented one as Ursula K Le Guin is proposing it.
The realms of the “dream time” offer approaches beyond linear thinking and invite us into an opened perception and an embodied “seeing” in curves, shapes, sensations … to explore every phenomenon in it’s deepest and fullest, before we translate it back into a form a community can agree on and relate to.
Open to undo the structure again and again – making organic processes
a natural part of our societal live. Sensing and soul come together, offering a quality of reverence which becomes our reference point.
The approach is a deeply feminine one. The circle, equal in numbers of men and women, is born and lead by a female energy (SOURCE). Deeply devoted to the sacredness of life itself she has the last word when it comes to questions about life and death.
The Circle is a representation of the tribe. It consists of a group of highly trustable people (SHELTER) and the members provide mental and emotional support to assure the integrity of the initial impulse of the movement.
There is a high commitment to include dream time as prevalent guidance. Vertical prototyping can be applied in this secure and flexible field (SPACE).
Source, shelter, space are the first structural elements that emerged for us so far. Expended structures might arise organically from there and will be made transparent – for the sake of integrity building for the whole.

Yes, and …
she’s black
Spring 2021
In a constellation work the focus of our exploration is on the divine and on its relationship with the female wisdom. God appeared as a woman. And yes, she was black.
Summer 2021
“I am the end of the marginalization of the feminine.”
“I am the end of all suppression.”
Fall 2021
“The era of scapegoating is ended.”
“Who do you want to be now?”
Spring 2022
“Look at our world today.
This is how it looks like when children don’t feel LOVED.”
Summer 2023
“Humanity starts to transition into a new culture of repair.”
What arises in you when you contemplate on that?

an alive compass
some guidance emerges
In the combining of the insights from my decade long trauma work with clients and the impressions of my traveling with the initiative, espacially in South Africa, a liberating structure, a compass appeared.
“Rest & Thrive” can help us to see the entry point to orient us and to possibly move on in a given situation in a certain moment in time.
Where is the learning waiting for us?

A Trustable Tribe
a community of pearl divers
Some simple qualities turned out to be the north star for the life path proposed and walked by A Trustable Tribe.
Integrity is our home.
Listening is our prayer.
Trust is our gift to the world.
You are willing to think for the whole?
You are open to start with looking inside?
You are interested in founding your own Circle of 12 based on the principles of source, shelter & space?