A community
of pearl divers
The emergence of A Trustable Tribe
There are more and more people who want to live profoundly different from how they used to live before. They are exhausted from a lifestyle that is trying to fulfil the expectations of a society that is not made up to nourish their souls. They are thirsty and hungry. They are ready to dive deep into themselves, open to find answers to their predicament that go beyond complaint and the pattern of scapegoating.
They know that the more beautiful world our souls know is possible. They know, diving deep enough means to find pearls. And they bring them to the surface with a shared excitement to contribute to the soulful humanity we are meant to be.
They encourage and support each other on their path towards soul integrity. Creating virtual and physical spaces where they can share their stories of loss and loneliness, where they can feel and move beyond their feelings of shame and celebrate their re-union.
Together they explore the two questions of the questions: Who do we want to be as humanity? And what is mine in it to do? To grow into embodied and joyful answers, for themselves and as a community of humankind. Welcome to the community of pearl divers.
Welcome to A Trustable Tribe!
Your soul matters
The work of Integrity For Future is based on the deep acknowledgement of the importance of showing up > fully human which includes the dimension of our soul. Most of the social contexts we meet in our daily lives are lacking this aspect of our human being-ness. This is not only affecting the smooth functioning of our nervous system and the possibility of trust in our relationships but causes a deep wound on soul level that we are rarely aware of.
Before you come to our gatherings I invite you to > watch this little movie made by Nyado and to > read my piece reflecting on the root of our soul wound. Engaging on your personal path towards soul integrity will very likely be an adventurous journey. Be aware, you might start a revolution!
The tribe is gathering!
As our soul wound origins from the culture of separateness most of us grew up in it’s important to create a new culture of relatedness WHILE taking our pathway towards healing.
We meet in trauma informed circles where we can gather as equals for a wholehearted exchange on soul level.
These spaces can be a nourishing haven for our soul quests and an anchoring north star for the social change we want to see happen.
Integrity is not a fix state. It is rather an ongoing movement which we can explore.
It requires not much more of us than a personal yes and a small supporting community to allow for the joint creativity to thrive.
Inequity, capitalism, patriarchy – if one commits to work on the end of any kind of oppression it will also be a painful confrontation with the violations of life and our own blind spots in it.
In our conversations we are aware of the layers of shame that might be triggered in us, gifting each other the benefit of the doubt, orienting ourselves to the creation of a benevolent space where we can dare to show up more fully.
We are coming together to share our daily struggles in the delicate dance between our deepest values and what seems to be possible in a world “gone mad”.
Writing new stories beyond the ones of broken trust that we all carry.

Who do we want to be as humanity? Open Zoom call on personal invitation for the broader community of pearl divers with founder Ann La-Forker, a place to address the integrity issues that we see in the world with space for an exchange on how we deal with our daily challenges in it.
> Contact me via WhatsApp to sign up for the invitation I’m sending prior to every gathering
A space for a safe exchange on difficult feelings such as heartbreak and shame that tend to compromise our integrity – hosted in a trauma informed way by Ann, devoted to depth and beauty.
These gatherings might include some personal process work.
> Registration info and inspirational impulses to prepare for the gatherings
The women of the tribe come together to practice the alchemy of the golden key, changing shame into pure life energy and joy.
“The Golden Key” is a heart open & hands on peace work on the nervous system of humanity.
> Please contact me directly if you are interested in joining this work.
Found your Circle of 12
Out of my own explorational journey towards soul integrity the concept of “The Circle Of 12” did arise. My invitation is to make your own experiences with this supportive community structure!
In the center of such a Circle is the SOURCE, to say someone who did some deep personal work and found out what he or she would liek to bring into the world. Around this center forms the Circle. These are highly trustable people to the one in the middle. It can be project partners, family members, or friends.
The Circle Of 12 is the SHELTER, it provides mental and emotional support, fully devoted to the wealth and the safety of the SOURCE. The wider function is to assure the integrity of the initial impulse while the project is unfolding.
With the match of SOURCE and SHELTER the 3rd entity arises. The SPACE where the process work, personal growth and project development will happen. The groups can use different tools they are familiar with. One important aspect always remains the same – the orientation towards the building of trust and a possible life in soul integrity for all members. All together, source, shelter and space are contributing to the overall maturing of humanity as A Trustable Tribe.
The insights of my active research on modern circle cultures can serve you as an inspiration. TOWARDS soul integrity offers a variety of formats such as your individual “pearl dive” to support your journey. Through the pearl diver library you have access to some orienting maps and resources to start with.

Become active in your community
soul talks at your kitchen table
A Trustable Tribe – the community of pearls divers – is much bigger than the people gathering here. It actually includes every human being walking on this planet. Part of your own journey TOWARDS soul integrity might be to spread the word as an embodied invitation.
A possible first step could be to speak up for your deepest values in becoming visible with your own integrity interview! Another step could be to ask your family members, your colleagues, your clients, your friends some meaningful questions about integrity. A moment at your kitchen table might offer the precious opportunity for a spontaneous soul talk. You could also invite your community to a movie night to listen to the manifold colourful voices of humanity together.

A possible path

go for a pearl dive & click with your own souls mission

create your personal support field & found a Circle Of 12

start your own initiative or soulful enterprise
Listening is key
Looking at this project I am aware that clinging to specific outcomes or non-centered activism tend to blur the picture. Short-cuts are not serving the integrity of the whole. I would like to remind us that we remain researchers, committed to clear our view again and again and to listen to each other and listen to life itself to see what is nourishing and right in every moment.
To heal as a species humans openly listening to the many colours of humanness seems to be a good starting point.
If you would like to engage in a deeper healing work and/ or join the community of pearl divers don’t hesitate to reach out.