
to gift & receive

Ann La-Forker started the initiative Integrity For Future at the end of the year 2020. The impulse came from the pain of seeing humanity so lost as a species, being caught in patterns of self-destruction affecting all life on earth. Ann: “The aim is to open a path to the possibilities that are still there and always will be – until our last breath. To find our place in this world and contribute to its beauty.”

Out of her passion Ann spent Thousands of hours to create a reliable fundament for this body of work, creating formats that are accessible to and free for everyone. Lacking any bigger savings or funding the work has by now been sustained by the income of Ann’s trauma therapeutic practice. Her mother Maria gifted a part of a small inheritance to enable the travel to South Africa for the first on site interviews.


new ways

to gift & receive

With the beginning of the year 2024 it is time to create structures that allow others, to say you, to add to the gift in contributing with small or big funding to keep the initiative going in the independent way it was designed for.

Our money system holds itself a big part of our various patterns of exploitation.  As the trust has been broken money – being in its original meaning an expression of appreciation – must be redeemed from its heavy burden. We are called to explore new ways of gifting and receiving.

the Wohlrab-Merbitz integrity fund

THE NEW FUND: Integrity For Future is a private community-serving initiative that is deeply rooted in the spirit of gifting. Most of the financial structures of our time are expressing a cultural entanglement with superior goals which don’t reflect our deepest values.

With the establishment of this new fund my mother Maria Ursula Forker and I invite you to refer to the reliability that occurs from your personal relationship to the case of the initiative and from the relationship with me who signs personally responsible for the use of the funds.

Our wish is to offer you a way to contribute which is free and preserves the integrity of your gift.

WHAT  YOUR GIFTS PROVIDE FOR: Your contributions will be used to cover the basic needs for the maintenance of my work such as:

  • a small salary
  • expenses for communication
  • fees for space rental
  • travel costs


If you have a special interest in dedicating your support to the continuation of my interview series we give you the opportunity to
> fund the making of the next integrity interview.

THE CONCEPT OF THRESHOLDS: As soon as the basic costs are covered the fund can unfold a wider impact. Free formats such as the realisation of community talks in different neighbourhoods and the global creation of local integrity hubs can start to spread all over the world.
With the growth of our resources we will be able to gift punctually to other private initiatives that work in accordance with our case.
An even wider vision includes the physical building of
Temples of Grace & Beauty for the human tribe to gather.

your gift to the

Wohlrab-Merbitz integrity fund

Reference: gift in favour of the Wohlrab-Merbitz integrity fund
Account holder: Maria Ursula Forker
IBAN: DE57 1001 0010 0386 7551 13
Residents Country: Germany

Make a single or monthly payment in using the information above.

a women’s legacy

Authorised by the foremothers

The new fund is named after my two beloved grandmothers, Friedegard Wohlrab and Liselotte Merbitz. In choosing their birth names I am honouring their strength, their care and their wisdom that I have the privilege to call my heritage being the grand daughter of these remarkable souls.

My biography holds a lot of ambivalences within the two ancestors lines that meet in me. With that heritage the search for a truth that is inclusive and goes beyond the limiting logic of black and white, right or wrong, was inevitable. Thrown into the turmoil of World War II in Germany both of my grandmothers were – in very different ways – exposed to threat, betrayal and heartbreaking losses that were caused by the patriarchal and exploitative way of relating to life practiced around them.

> Read more about the stories of my grandmothers.

As women and mothers they maintained their warmth and their natural sense of care, to say their advocacy for life. Two generations later the impossible becomes possible. My time is the time when the divine feminine returns. It is the time when all suppression and the violation of life ends. It is the time where there is space for the question who we want to be as humanity. It is the time of the return of grace and beauty. It is the time when humanity starts to transition into a new culture of repair.

> Read more about the role of female wisdom in this time of repair .


thriving in integrity

Humanity is a trustworthy species. As soul integrity is a birth right every human being is by nature part of A Trustable Tribe. To unleash the power of that truth one has only to say yes to it.

A Trustable Tribe is also the name of our community. While there is no financial obligation or fee to become a member (everyone is welcome to join always at any time) we created a membership model for the ones who wish to engage more actively and would like their gift to be an expression of their sense of belonging.

Integrity For Future is an explorational field on new social structures that allow for integrity to thrive (> here you can download a short profile of the initiative). The concept of patronage acknowledges the fact that gifts and possibilities differ from one being to another as they may also vary in our different contexts of life.

While being equal in our right to soul integrity we shouldn’t try to bring us into line in terms of our contributions. We might be the creative source with an idea, in other contexts we are the shelter , gifting our presence. And sometimes we are the ones who can give the material resource to make it happen.

In becoming a patron for the initiative you have the opportunity to experiment with your role. Your gift will provoke another gift in return.

> Become a patron of Integrity For Future.

the source protectors board

Inspired by the initiatives life affirming approach a group of men has decided to join the exploration of new ways of giving and receiving. Willing to face the devastation patriarchy brought to the different realms of life they walk a path of rehabilitation that goes beyond the simplifying logic of victims and perpetuators, acknowledging  the  complexity of the issue.

On the concept of a SOURCE PROTECTOR BOARD: over the course of one year 5 men sign responsible to assure the initiatives basic financial needs. By doing this they allow me as the source (see our findings on Source, Shelter and Space) to focus my energy on the core work of the initiative and to take care of the well being and the development of the original impulse how it was received by me.  While the members of the Board experiment with new structures of gifting which affirm the integrity of everyone being part of it the Board itself becomes a space for deep healing. If you would like to part of the mutual exploration and learning you can simply > REACH OUT to me.

a legal note on your gift

Since Integrity For Future is a private initiative no tax-deductibility applies. Nevertheless you are welcome to ask for an official prove of payment on behalf of the initiative. We are happy to provide you with a respective document that honours your contribution.