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December 4, 2024 18:15 - 20:15

mature dialogues – shaping the future of journalism

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An open event organized by Stefan Schultz, Spiegel author and founder of “Integral Journalism” 

Wednesday, December 4 2024, 6.15 pm (CEST)

Our Western culture of conversation is characterized by dogmatism and rationalism. Origin and consequence of this is a reduced perception and description of our reality. In this Warm Data Lab, we will enter into a dialog in which we want to get a little closer to the enormous complexity of our human life – as people and journalists. Led by Ann La-Forker.

The invitation 

Dear journalists, dear fellow friends,

We cordially invite you to participate in a very special Warm Data Lab on December 4, 2024 at 6:15 pm (CET) on the topic of Integral Journalism. 

In our Western culture, discussions are often characterised by dogmatism and rationalism. But what happens when we consciously engage in an empathic, holistic dialog? This is exactly what we want to explore together in this Warm Data Lab. Under the guidance of Ann La-Forker, trained as a Warm Data Lab host by Nora Bateson, we will create a space in which journalists and all interested parties can meet as human beings and immerse themselves in a deep exchange.

Integral journalism has a clear goal: to be as useful to society as possible. We achieve this through more perspective-rich, empathetic and inspiring content that encourages us to shape the future together. Integral journalism not only strengthens the quality of the information we have available to us as a society, but also promotes a more mature way of sharing it with each other. It is about accepting partial truths and thinking together, thereby enabling multi-layered approaches to meet the complex problems of our time.

Imagine if we as a society cultivated a culture of discourse in which respectful exchange is seen as a sacred practice. Imagine a discourse space where we all feel seen and heard and where the manifold expressions of life that we embody as the human community can meet and thrive organically by mutual learning. 

Journalists have a responsibility to help shape a culture of discourse that unites rather than polarizes. By recognizing different points of view and working out what is helpful from all poles, we create resonance spaces in which every perspective has its place. In our Warm Data Lab on Integral Journalism, we want to explore and experience this approach with you. 

The Warm Data Lab, developed by Nora Bateson, is a format that helps us to enter this kind of mature discourse space. It is about a deep understanding of the systemic connections that are alive amongst us and is a possibility to address the transcontextual realm we are all always part of.

Let’s enter this space together. We are looking forward to an evening full of inspiring conversations, deep insights and valuable connections – as people, as journalists, as part of a society that is evolving.

Join us and let’s shape the future of journalism together!

Please register beforehand via this Zoom link. We also encourage you to share this invitation with family members and friends – journalism is not a silo, the more contexts in the room the better.

Warmly, Stefan & Ann

Curious to learn more about the Warm Data approach offered by Nora Bateson?

Visit www.warmdata.life.


December 4, 2024
18:15 - 20:15

