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October 22 19:00 - 20:30

The Tribe
is gathering
~ fire place ~

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Humanity is a trustworthy species. We are part of A Trustable Tribe. We only have to say yes and join.
Planet Earth is our home. This very home of ours is A Temple of Grace & Beauty. We only have to see and enter.
These assumptions are core to Integrity For Future. From here we aim to create spaces where integrity can thrive.

Once a month on the 22nd The Tribe is gathering.

Either in the > Temple of Grace & Beauty to have an exchange on challenging feelings and experiences that can compromise our integrity such as loss, shame, failure or heartbreak. Or around the fire place to listen to each others stories about where and how we feel challenged in our soul integrity in our daily lives.

Welcome to the fire place. When our stories meet we gain access to a deeper wisdom that is alive amongst us. Together we grow beyond the old limiting playground of scapegoating and create a new one of soul integrity which is embedded in a culture of repair.

As a member of A Trustable Tribe you will receive the Zoom link to access the event via our WhatsApp channel.

If you are here for the first time please > get in touch with me to have you set up.

With a warm welcome, Ann


October 22
19:00 - 20:30