Friends Of
Integrity For Future

The emergence of A Trustable Tribe

There are more and more people who want to live profoundly different from how they did before.

They are exhausted from a lifestyle that is trying to fulfill the expectations of a society that is not made up to nourish their souls. They are thirsty and hungry. They are ready to contribute to the soulful humanity we are meant to be. The more beautiful world our souls know is possible!

I want to encourage and support every single being which seeks to move towards soul integrity. Offering spaces where we can share our stories of loss and loneliness, where we can go through our shame and celebrate our re-union. Welcome to A Trustable Tribe!

From here we will grow into embodied and joyful answers to the two questions: Who do we want to be as humanity? What is mine in it to do?


Join the movement

Friends of Integrity For Future

You are going in resonance with my approach? There are many ways to be in touch, from simply getting some inspirations from the content of this website to joining our gatherings, meeting like hearted people to launching your own integrity related initiative – on your own or in cooperation with us.

Integrity is not a fixed state. It is rather an ongoing movement. It requires a personal yes. It requires small supporting communities. It requires spaces for the joint creativity to thrive.

Just imagine 8 billion people doing the next step towards integrity with their souls. This is  #integrityforfuture. Let’s simply begin, here and now.


Let’s talk soul integrity

The tribe is gathering!

As our soul wound origins from our culture of separateness it is important to create a new culture of relatedness WHILE taking the road towards healing into integrity with our souls.

Our starting point is to meet in trauma informed circles where we can gather as equals for a wholehearted exchange on soul level. These spaces can be a nourishing haven for our individual soul quests and an anchoring north star for the social change we want to see happen.

Inequity, capitalism, patriarchy – if one commit to work on the end of any kind of oppression it will also be a painful confrontation with the lack of integrity. And with your own blind spots.


In our conversations we are aware of the layers of shame that will be triggered, open to make the subtle explicit and to address it in a safe way, in a community of people interested in maturing and spiritual growth.

Once a month “The Tribe is gathering” to share our stories and to touch on our personal and the collective integrity issues of our time.

If you wish to join and we don’t know each other personally yet I am happy to have a short chat with you and to hook you up. A single soul session might be another beautiful  opportunity to meet one to one first.

Thank you. Ann

The tribe is gathering!

A monthly Zoom call on personal invitation to the “Friends of Integrity For Future” with the founder Ann La-Forker, addressing and deeply relating to recent integrity issues in you & the world.

> Sign up to the reminder I am sending out prior to every gathering.

Temple Of Grace & Beauty

A space for a safe exchange on difficult feelings such as heartbreak and shame that tend to compromise our integrity – hosted in a trauma informed way by Ann, devoted to depth and beauty.

> Find the topics and inspirational impulses to prepare for these gatherings

The Golden Key

The women of the tribe come together to practice the alchemy of changing shame into pure life energy and joy. “Global Female Envisioning” is a heart open & hands on peace work on the nervous system of humanity.

> Please contact me directly if you are interested in joining this work.

Your soul matters

Click with your souls mission

If you wish to come to soul.integrity in your life some personal process work might be required. A single soul-session is an easily accessible donation based offer to get you started for your journey.
Be aware, you might start a revolution!

> Reserve a slot for a single soul-session


If you think that a deeper process work is needed you might choose to continue with a full pearl dive. Or even go further with one of the more specific options and >Get trained for soulful entrepreneurship?



Nyado, Mission To Earth


An anthem for those who don’t want to leave Earth.

Found your own circle of 12

Out of my own explorational journey towards soul integrity the concept of “The Circle Of 12” did arise. My invitation is to make your own experiences with this supportive community structure!

In the center of such a Circle is the SOURCE, to say  someone who did some deep personal work to finally be found by his or her essence and the subject which is related to the mission of this soul.

Around this center forms the Circle. These are highly trustable people to the one in the middle. It can be project partners, family members, or friends. The Circle Of 12 is the SHELTER, it provides mental and emotional support, fully devoted to the wealth and the safety of the SOURCE. The wider function is to assure the integrity of the initial impulse of the project or the movement.


With the match of SOURCE and SHELTER the 3rd entity arises. The SPACE where the process work, personal growth and project development will happen. The groups can use different tools they are familiar with. One important aspect always remains the same – the orientation towards the building of trust and a possible life in soul integrity for all members.

All together, source, shelter and space are contributing to the overall growth of humanity as > A Trustable Tribe. Imagine how every human being is supported on its soul journey and the circles grow and overlap over the planet – how will our world look like? Just use the inspirations you find on this website to become active and create your own circles.

> You can contact me for advice

Become visible and publish your own interviews

The calling of your soul matters! You can speak up for your deepest values and become visible with your care in doing your own “Integrity is …” interviews.

Ask yourself, your family members, your colleagues, your clients, your friends some meaningful questions about integrity.

To feel the support of the tribe use the hashtag #integrityforfuture when publishing them.


> To the “Integrity” questionnaire 

Become active in your community

soul.talks at your kitchen table

You are challenged by a special situation in your company or simply seeking for more orientation towards integrity in the community you live in? With the soul.talks at your kitchen table we invented a mobile format that can take place in almost every physical or organisational context.

The kitchen table is a familiar place where people naturally union in circles and where often a spontaneous talk beyond etiquettes will give the solution for a long hold issue. The casual atmosphere creates a sense of safety and these are the vibes we are inviting in when bringing our fresh integrity impulses to your kitchen table – to talk soul.integrity.

Ready for a soul talk at your kitchen table?

> Send me your request

A possible path

click with your souls mission

one single soul session

create a personal support field

found your Circle of 12

start your own initiative

embark for soulful entrepreneurship


Navigating the complexity of life

Sometimes we got lost. And we can always get back to integrity – in simply choosing so. Thriving in integrity – on the official Patreon page of our initiative you find hints and maps that can help you navigating the complexity of life. No need to reduce it or leave out any color or shape to bring it to a “digestible size”. The more promising choice is to stretch and grow our inner capacities to make space for the whole experience. This is the invitation: to thrive!

Thrive! is open for everyone. Whether you would like to become a patron or not – the content is for free. If you choose to become a Patron of Integrity For Future your contribution will be received with gratitude.


Listening is key

Looking at this project I am aware that clinging to specific outcomes or non-centered activism tend to blur the picture. Short-cuts are not serving the integrity of the whole.

I would like to remind us that we remain researchers, committed to clear our view again and again and to listen to each other and listen to life itself to see what is nourishing and right in every moment.

Moralising and blaming won’t do, that we know. To heal our species humans openly listening to the many colours of humanness seems to
be a good starting point.


In doubt let’s choose reverence
to be our common reference point!